Acupuncture after stroke
Acupuncture has been proved effective as a treatment for post-stroke conditons such as paralysis, speech and swallowing problems, and...

按摩师指力训练 针对中医推拿师的指力训练八法是一套指力练习方法,功法操作简单,久练能增强手指、腕关节的力量减少损伤。我把其中的四法抽取出来供按摩师参考加以练习。 1.双手擒龙 预备姿势: 两脚分开站立,与肩同宽,马步蹲桩,含胸拔背,气沉丹田。 ...

按摩師長期動用手部進行按摩,手部會出現疼痛,雙手是摩師的執業工具,經常保養自己的手是十分重要。 1、手部保養的要訣 (1)按摩後身體勿受涼及接觸冷水。 (2)忌用冷水洗手。 (3)替顧客按摩前須洗手,按摩後按摩師更應徹底清潔雙手。...

Does acupuncture hurt?
Some people told me that they are afraid of needle and acupuncture is not their first choice. I totally understand their fearing. I used...